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    The Hot, the Cool and the Vicious (1977)

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    The Hot, the Cool and the Vicious
    Captain Lu is the respected head of security of a village, but his wealthy boss runs the town, and is corrupt, while the boss's son is a dissolute skirt-chaser. Pai Yu Ching, the Southern Fist, swaggers into town, and clashes with Captain Lu, which earns him an offer to work for the town boss. However, nearly everyone in the town is something other than what they seem. Lu has a shameful secret in his past, which motivates Miss Li to ask Pai to kill him. The town boss is minting counterfeit coins, and someone is trying to gather the evidence of this. Events bring Lu and Pai onto the same side, which is fortunate, because the town boss brings in Mr Lung, a fearsome martial arts genius, to kill off all his enemies. Sequel is \"Challenge Of Death\".

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    • Tso Nam Lee
    • ~ 93 min.
    • Action
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    6.3 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Action
    Produzent: George Wang
    Schauspieler: Tao-liang Tan  Don Wong  Ming Chin  Chia-Lin Sun  Su-jin Yeo  George Wang  Chiang Chen  Chiu Chen  20 weitere
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